Partners & Supporters

Awana Digital is part of a greater ecosystem of people and groups working toward a more just and sustainable world. We accomplish our mission thanks to the generous support of donors and high-impact partnerships with communities and organizations who share our commitment to centering and amplifying marginalized communities working to defend their human and environmental rights.

Local Partners

We work alongside local partners to offer direct support to Indigenous communities, local mappers and community environmental monitors. The design and development of the tools we build is led by this collaborative process. Currently we are working with the following local and Indigenous organizations:

South America


Univaja (Union of Indigenous Peoples of the Javari Valley) is a non-profit civil rights organization that aims to strengthen the ability of the indigenous peoples of Vale do Javari in Brazil to defend their rights.

FUNBOSQUE is a Paulo Freire Forest School located on an island in the Amazon Delta in Belém, Pará that serves 2700 students from kindergarten through high school.

Engajamundo a youth-led organization, focused on building the capacity of young people to address the greatest social and environmental challenges facing Brazil and the world.


Nĩpodĩmakĩ an Indigenous Uitoto people living along the Caqueta river in the Putumayo area of Colombia who have been working on land rights issues for many years.


Alianza Ceibo unites four Indigenous peoples in their struggle to counter environmental degradation to protect over 20,000 square kilometers of primary rainforest across four provinces and 70 communities in the North Ecuadorian Amazon. Specifically, through Alianza Ceibo, we work with:

Waorani A two thousand strong indigenous people living in a large legally recognised territory in the central Ecuadorian Amazon. Traditionally a hunter gatherer people before contact, they are now organizing to defend their lands from oil, mining and other threats.

Kofán The Kofán people inhabit a large territory in northern Ecuadorian Amazon and southern Colombia that is threatened by oil contamination and rapid mining concessions.

Siona Siona communities of the Putumayo region, Wisuya and Buenavista, are organized, resistant to extractive industries, and firm in their vision for conserving their territory and maintaining their ancestral culture.

Siekopai In Ecuador, the Siekopai currently have no legal title or recognized rights over their ancestral territory and have been corralled into a much reduced territory of 50,000 acres situated over 100 miles from their ancestral territory and surrounded by oil fields, large-scale African Palm plantations and a network of roads that accelerate illegal logging and land invasion.

Guianas: Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana

Mulokot Foundation A Wayana Indigenous-led organization based in Village Kawemhakan, Lawa area, Sipaliwini, Suriname, aiming to bring sustainable development and land management to Wayana communities grounded in a Wayana worldview and values.


ECA-Amarakaeri An elected Indigenous-led team that comanages the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve with leadership of ten Indigenous communities of Harakbut, Matsiguenka and Yine people, and the National Service of Protected Areas (SERNANP).

PUINAMUDT a platform bringing together Achuar, Kichwa, Kukama and Quechua federations from four river basins to develop and advocate for an agenda in defense of their territories, in particular in relation to hydrocarbon extraction and its impacts. The federations; ACODECOSPAT, FECONACOR, FEDIQUEP and FECONACOR unite autonomous community monitors with capacity building in reporting on impacts affecting their watersheds.



Ogiek people / Chekitale Indigenous Peoples’ Development Project (CIPDP) a community organization working to advocate for the recovery of Ogiek rights to ancestral lands in Kenya’s Mt. Elgon forests.

Natural Justice are a team of lawyers who specialize in human rights and environmental law in Africa in pursuit of both social and environmental justice.


Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal

Open Development Mekong a network of organizations co-managing an open knowledge platform to inform decision-making for sustainable and equitable development in the Mekong region.

RaksThai a non-profit that has been supporting disadvantaged communities in Thailand for over 30 years.

Solomon Islands Sky Islands (Malaita) is a collective of Indigenous people on the island of Malaita seeking to defend their island against illegal logging.

North America

United States

Wambdi Wapaha is a Dakota organization seeking to promote language immersion and learning, and documenting oral histories of the Dakota traditional landscape.


Six Nations Reserve of the Grand River / Ohneganos Ohnegahdę:gyo an Indigenous water and ecological knowledge research program in Six Nations Reserve of the Grand River.

Working Group for Indigenous Food Sovereignty (WGIFS) an Indigenous-led working group focused on increasing awareness of the underlying issues, concerns and strategies impacting food security in Indigenous communities throughout British Columbia.

Funding Partners

Awana Digital is supported by its board of directors, the generous contributions of individual donors, and philanthropic foundations.

Awana Digital does not accept funds from any donor that might require us to compromise our values, independence, or change the priorities outlined in our core mission. We only partner with funders that are aligned in values and support the sovereignty of our local partners.

International Organizations, Tech Partners & other Allies