a platform bringing together Achuar, Kichwa, Kukama and Quechua federations from four river basins to develop and advocate for an agenda in defense of their territories, in particular in relation to hydrocarbon extraction and its impacts. The federations; ACODECOSPAT, FECONACOR, FEDIQUEP and FECONACOR unite autonomous community monitors with capacity building in reporting on impacts affecting their watersheds.


Partner Overview

PUINAMUDT are a platform bringing together Indigenous federations from four river basins to develop and advocate for an agenda in defence of their territories, in particular in relation to hydrocarbon extraction and its impacts. Federation members are: Federation of Native Communities of Corrientes – FECONACOR; Federation of Native Communities of Alto Tigre – OPIKAFPE; Indigenous Federation of Pastaza Quechua – FEDIQUEP; and Cocama Conservation and Development Association San Pablo de Tipishca – ACODECOSPAT, the Marañón river basin.

Work with Awana Digital

Awana Digital team member Gregor MacLennan started working with some of the federations now making up PUINAMUDT before it was established, in 2006 supporting them to set up independent community monitoring teams to gather evidence about oil spills, pipeline ruptures and failed mitigation measures using Open Data Kit (ODK). The relationship continued and when PUINAMUDT became part of the AEA project we began looking into how Mapeo could be implemented with them to improve their data collection and reporting, and have carried out a training workshop for one federation in November 2019.

September 2020: Currently PUINAMUDT is focusing on measures to protect communities from impacts of Covid-19, and most of our work with them is on hold, although there is still direct communication with some of the federation leaders (apus) and some individual monitors

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