Our Tools


Mapeo is a free, easy-to-use, open source set of tools for collecting and mapping information.It was designed to work in entirely offline environments, is highly customizable, and built on a decentralized peer-to-peer database that allows communities to own their own data.

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Earth Defenders Toolkit

The Earth Defenders Toolkit is a collaborative space for earth defenders and their allies. The Toolkit provides a growing collection of resources and training materials for communities on the frontlines of the struggle to defend critical ecosystems around the world, and community networks for users to connect and share their experiences.

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Terrastories is an application for communities to map, protect, and share stories about their land. It can be used by individuals or communities who want to connect audio or video content to places on a map.

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Storymap Tools

Awana Digital has built a number of tools for telling stories with maps. These include:

Mapbox Storytelling Upgraded
A fork of Mapbox's Storytelling template by Awana Digital that adds a few additional optional configuration options to further customize the template.

Maplibre Storytelling
A template for data journalists and digital storytellers designed to accelerate building out a "scrollytelling" map story. No coding experience is required. This template has been customized to work with MapLibre.

Additional Tools

Awana Digital has built the tools listed below, which are also useful for mapping and monitoring, however, they may require additional technical support and knowledge.

Map Printer
Export massive hi-res PNGs from Mapbox map styles.

Leaflet Side by Side
A Leaflet control to add a split screen to compare two map overlays. Creates a new Leaflet Control for comparing two layers or collections of layers.

Mapeo Icons Generator
Generate SVG icons for for use in Mapeo and other tools.

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