The concept of "small-d democracy" is at the foundation of our work at Digital Democracy. Fast Company's March 2012 issue features Dd in solidarity with other innovators who have helped elevate, amplify and fortify the Occupy Movement.

This fall, Dd challenged the claim that "the Occupy Movement doesn't know what it wants" by building a polling system on the open source All Our Ideas platform to ask them to speak for themselves. After collecting 96,586 votes on 40 original ideas and 30 user-generated ideas to answer which ideas they liked better, the top two choices are "the stripping of corporate personhood" and "to spend more money on education than on the military."
What do you think? Envision for our future? Add your voice to #OccupyVotes here:****

Help keep the movement growing and bring your voice to its future with Occupy Votes & check out the Fast Company article and slideshow here:

It's an honor to share pages with Malik Rahsaan of Occupy the Hood, _Andy Dao and Ivan Cash of Occupy George, _Jan Wampler of MIT, _Isaac Wilder of Free Network Foundation, _Joan Donovan of Interoccupy, _Benjamin Phillips of Occupy Oakland, _and Shen Tong.